Plumbing Contractor in India
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- Plumbing Contractor in India
Plumbing is one of the expert services that are difficult to maintain in-house. If you try to do your plumbing in-house, it will cost a lot for employing a permanent plumber who can only know so much and can only be experienced so much and there is the additional cost of the plumbing equipment and tools. Therefore, hiring DMM’s industry-leading plumbing services in Kolkata makes more sense because we have experts who are one of the most experienced plumbers in India and we will also have plumbing contractors who can do a wide range of services. Plumbing services are also great because a plumbing job is unpredictable and a problem of plumbing can affect and damage your assets beyond repair and therefore our plumbing services are more of a necessity in any office-based industry. Hire from us as we are ranked as the most trusted facility management service provider in India. Let us look at how our tried and tested DMM office plumbing services can help you.

Drain cleaning-
The pantry works as an extension of the main kitchen and is an area from where food and drinks are served to employees or guests at an event. As the place is used for serving edible consumables, it is imperative that the highest levels of hygiene and cleanliness be maintained at all times. There has to be a systematic and orderly way of handling various activities in the pantry which demands the services of trained, experienced and qualified professionals. We understand the exacting standards of hygiene that the pantry area requires and know how to keep the place spotlessly clean and pleasing in appearance.
Garbage disposal services -
If you are in the chemical industry or even a normal service-based and IT-based company, there can be a lot of toxic and hazardous waste ranging from leftover chemicals to office supplies such as printer ink cartridges which will be nonetheless equally damaging to the environment and can also pollute the company premises if disposed of improperly. Our team of garbage disposal experts and servicemen will make sure that these waste products are disposed of in an eco-friendly and environmentally safe manner.

Water supply repair-
Water is a mainstay for heavy industries as well as for every other kind of industry and office environment because of the number of people working there and using water for multiple use cases. Ensuring that the water supply is clean is extremely important because unhygienic water can shut down the whole office and the company. Our team of experts will ensure that your water supply is never disrupted and that your industry and your office get a fresh and clean source of water for their daily activities and that it is maintained.
Toilet repair-
Toilet waste is perhaps one of the most hazardous wastes that a company can produce and it is also really important to keep toilets in working condition as a clogged toilet can greatly affect the morale of the employees. And clogged toilets and bad smells can tarnish the reputation of your brand and that is why we take toilet repair and toilet cleaning quite seriously because our team of expert plumbers at DMM will ensure that your toilet stays in service 24×7.

Leak repair -
Leakage is a common issue in any plumbing system and our team of experts are experienced in dealing with any size and frequency of leakage issues and a trained to handle any kind of piping leakage as well as replacement and installation of new piping. We do not simply put a band-aid on the issue and be done, our team of expert plumbers are trained to give you a permanent solution to the leakage issues always and every time.